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FCO-Osgoode Courses / Cours FCO-Osgoode
For the more experienced Ombuds professional, this advanced certificate will explore and analyze some of the most challenging problems confronting today’s Ombuds.
Created by the developers of the highly successful Osgoode/FCO Certificate – Essentials for Ombuds, this intensive training collaboration between the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman and Osgoode Professional Development (part of Osgoode Hall Law School) will ensure that you’re able to confidently address and resolve some of the more complex situations.
You will learn from a truly exceptional faculty of leading experts. This program will focus on practical, real world situations and provide ample opportunity for hands-on learning, questions and class discussion. Whether it’s examining the elements of a major investigation or assessing how to effectively lead your Ombuds office, the faculty will ensure you leave with tactics and solutions to overcome these often vexing situations.
What You’ll Learn
You will get practical tips and strategies in areas including:
- Investigations: conducting, funding, monitoring, reactions, results and recommendations
- Interacting with the media and addressing the perils that can arise from “fake news”
- Using various forms of media to build higher visibility and produce more persuasive and accurate content
- Managing perceptions as it relates to how the Ombuds role is perceived, supported and/or undermined by “insiders”
- Creating an inclusive working environment for Ombuds staff that are receptive to and supportive of a wide diversity of points of view, backgrounds, differences of all kinds
- Delivering high quality and innovative service in early resolution and investigative work on a day-to-day basis and evaluate performance
Program Dates: April 1, 2, 15, 16, 2025 are being delivered virtually
Each day begins at 12:30 pm (ET) and ends at 4:00 pm (ET)
April 23, 24, 2025 are being delivered in person in downtown Toronto
Each day begins at 9:00 am (ET) and ends at 4:30 pm (ET)
In person location: Osgoode Professional Development, 1 Dundas Street West, 26th floor
Program Outline
Register Now
Pour les professionnels de l'ombudsman plus expérimentés, ce certificat avancé explorera et analysera certains des problèmes les plus difficiles auxquels sont confrontés les ombudsmans d'aujourd'hui.
Créé par les concepteurs du certificat Osgoode/FCO - Essentials for Ombuds, qui connaît un grand succès, cette formation intensive est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le Forum canadien des Ombudsmans et Osgoode Professional Development (qui fait partie de l'école de droit Osgoode Hall).
Vous apprendrez auprès d'un corps professoral exceptionnel composé d'experts de premier plan. Ce programme se concentrera sur des situations pratiques et réelles et offrira de nombreuses possibilités d'apprentissage pratique, de questions et de discussions en classe. Qu'il s'agisse d'examiner les éléments d'une enquête majeure ou d'évaluer comment diriger efficacement votre bureau de médiateur, le corps enseignant veillera à ce que vous repartiez avec des tactiques et des solutions pour surmonter ces situations souvent contrariantes.
Dates du programme : Les 1, 2, 15 et 16 avril 2025 sont dispensés virtuellement.
Chaque jour commence à 12h30 (ET) et se termine à 16h00 (ET).
Les 23 et 24 avril 2025, le programme sera donné en personne au centre-ville de Toronto.
Chaque jour commence à 9h00 (ET) et se termine à 16h30 (ET).
En personne : Osgoode Professional Development, 1 Dundas Street West, 26e étage
Osgoode Professional Development - Downtown Toronto
1 Dundas St. West
26th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z3
click here for Google Maps
(phone: 647-999-5723)